时间:2016-12-20 18:05作者:CFA institute
Title |
CFA China-Shanghai | 2014 CFA Charter Recognition Ceremony |
Event Description |
Congratulations on Completing Your CFA Exams and Becoming a CFA Charterholder!
To honor your great achievement, we invite you and a guest to attend the CFA Charter Recognition Event in Shanghai.
Celebrate this important career milestone with fellow new CFA charterholders and meet CFA Institute members! CFA Institute staff and other VIP guests will attend the event and present you with your CFA charter. You are most welcome to invite a family member, friend, mentor, or supervisor to share this exciting moment. |
Event Type |
Society; Social |
Education Topic |
Start Time |
2014/12/14 18:00 |
End Time |
2014/12/14 20:30 |
City |
Shanghai |
State/Province |
Event Country |
China |
Event Region |
Asia Pacific |
Location Info |
Purple Mountain Ballroom, 4/F, Grand Trustel Purple Mountain Shanghai, 778 Dongfang Road, Pudong District Shanghai, China
上海市浦东新区东方路778号上海国信紫金山大酒店4楼紫金厅 (地铁2、4、6、9线, 世纪大道站, 12号出口) |
Speaker |
CE Credits |
SER Credit |
.00 |
Currency |
Candidate Cost |
USD 25 |
Registration |
Members & Candidates – online registration and credit card payment only
Guests – send the following reply slip and pay in cash at the registration table *Please find detailed registration information in the attached flyer. Thanks! |
All Day Event |
Recurrence |
Workspace |
Cost |
Description |
Location |
上海市浦东新区东方路778号上海国信紫金山大酒店4楼紫金厅 |
Member Cost |
0 |
Non-Member Cost |
RMB 250 |