时间:2015-01-12 14:07作者:cfa
Title |
CFA Society Beijing | CE Seminar - GIPS 在中国的发展及应用 |
Event Description |
GIPS (Global Investment Performance Standards) 是CFA 协会多年来在投资界大力推广的投资业绩计量标准,目的是为了提高投资业绩计量的公允性、统一性以及促进不同管理人的投资业绩的可比性。目前 GIPS 在全球范围内正在被越来越多的投资管理人采用,并且在中国也有着一定程度的推广。
Event Type |
Social |
Education Topic |
Start Time |
2015/1/19 19:00 |
End Time |
2015/1/19 20:30 |
City |
Beijing |
State/Province |
Event Country |
China |
Event Region |
Asia Pacific |
Location Info |
Thomson Reuters, F2 Central Tower, Chemsunny World Trade Center, No. 28, Fuxingmen Nei Street, Xicheng District, Beijing (Fuxingmen, MTR 1 or 2)
北京市西城区复兴门内大街28 号凯晨世贸中心中座F2 层汤森路透(乘坐地铁1号线或2 号线,复兴门东南口下) |
Speaker |
CE Credits |
1 |
SER Credit |
.00 |
Currency |
Candidate Cost |
RMB50 |
Registration |
请您以“GIPS”作为邮件主题发送您的“姓名 + CFA ID + 公司 + 职位 + 邮箱+ 联系电话”至 info@cfabeijing.org 报名参加。
Advance booking is required and is on a first-come, first-served basis. To register for this event, please email info@cfabeijing.org with your name, member/candidate no., company name, company address, job title, telephone no., event name. |
All Day Event |
Recurrence |
Workspace |
Cost |
Description |
Location |
北京市西城区复兴门内大街28 号凯晨世贸中心中座F2 层汤森路透 |
Member Cost |
免费 |
Non-Member Cost |
RMB100 |