时间:2015-01-23 14:30作者:cfa
New Year Gathering 新年聚会
Program Details:
Date: |
24January 2015 (Saturday) |
Time: |
14:30 – 16:30 (Registration: 14:00 – 14:30 ) |
Venue: |
Sunny Bay Cafe 4/F, CITIC Building, No.19 Jian Guo Men Wai Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing 北京朝阳区建国门外大街19号国际大厦4楼圣尼博咖啡厅 (地铁建国门站B口向东100米,公交日坛路站,车可停到赛特商场和长富宫中间的停车场) |
Cost: |
- RMB40 per person for CFA Society Beijing members -RMB50 per person for other CFA Institute member/CFA® Program candidates - RMB60 per person for non-members/non-candidates/guests (Fees include snacks and drinks.) |
Capacity: |
40 pax |
Dress Code: |
Smart casual |
Advance booking is required and is on afirst-come, first-served basis. To register for this event, please email info@cfabeijing.orgwith your name, member/candidate no., company name, company address, jobtitle, telephone no., event name, and total no. of participants.
Please call Ms. Alice Zhang on+86-13810773745.
Registrationand Cancellation Policy
Cashpayment must be made at registration desk.
Cancellationin writing must be received by 22January 2015 (Thursday).
Substitution is allowed. Please notify us inwriting on or before by 22 January2015 (Thursday).
CFA SocietyBeijing reserves the right to change the date or cancel the event.