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CFA考生问卷调查报告 - CFA考试题目及考场环境等各方面评价

时间:2014-10-16 15:06作者:CFA

June 2014 CFA® Program Candidate Survey Results

Candidates rate the value of earning the charter very highly with an average value rating of 8.9 out of 10

Download the full candidate survey(PDF)

The pre- and post-exam surveys were conducted among a random sample of half of the June 2014 CFA Program candidates. The pre-exam survey was open from 12 to 26 May and the post-exam survey from 23 June to 7 July. 15,195 candidates responded to the pre-exam survey (21% response rate with a margin of error of ±0.7%) and 21,432 candidates responded to the post-exam survey (30% response rate with a margin of error of ±0.6%).

Exam Preparation

On average, candidates spent 307 hours studying for the June 2014 exam.

79% of candidates used the CFA Program curriculum to prepare for the exam. Of those using the resource, 98% indicated that it improved their understanding of important topics and 81% said it prepared them well for the exam.

61% of candidates found the exam to be as difficult as they expected and 32% said it was more difficult. Fixed Income was considered the most difficult topic on the exam followed by Derivatives.

Employment Outlook

Candidates report a more optimistic employment outlook than last year. 46% expect employment opportunities for investment professionals in their local markets to increase in the coming year (up from 40% in 2013); 46% expect opportunities to stay the same; and 8% expect opportunities to decrease (down from 13% in 2013.)


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