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时间:2015-03-11 16:48作者:CFA

(1)Thus, if possible take atleast 1(better 2)levels while you’re still in college
(2)CFA is 80% hard work and 20% intelligence.
(3)An average joe can clear the program provided that he/she does not give up hope.
(4)CFA is difficult because you’ll have to give up on your social life for the three years that you’re doing it.
(5)It is much more difficult to clear the exams while you are working
(6)CFA is not that tough that they make you believe. CFA is very do-able.
(7)Clearing only 1 level or clearing only 2 levels does not carry any weight. You have to clear 
     all three levels before you can make the exams work for you.
(8)It will cover all topics in finance, but it is more suitable for equity research type of roles
(9)The happiness of passing Level 1 lasts 1 week, level 2 lasts 2 days and level 3 lasts a few hours.
(10)You’re not going to seem attractive to chicks in a bar only because you hold a charter





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